/ Viewing 2023 Post-Election Petitions through the Gender Lens
Viewing 2023 Post-Election Petitions through the Gender Lens
Jul 13, 2023
In the 2023 general elections, 1,556 female candidates contested for various positions, constituting 10.2% of the 15,331 candidates, and only 77 were elected to political seats. These 77 seats are spread across the state and national legislature.
Currently, 60% of these seats’ are being challenged at corresponding tribunals. This means that 46 of the 77 female candidates who won at the polls are currently defending their victories at the EPTs.
Implicatively, depending on court judgements, there could be a reduction in the number of women’s political representation after the 2023 general election. Another striking data is the number of women who filed petitions at the various EPTs; their percentage is nothing compared to those whose seats are being challenged.
The factsheet x-ray of this and many more, especially the factor hampering women from actively participating in post-election litigation.
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